Reconciling collective efficiency and well-being at work

A training program to rethink the organization of work in order to guarantee collective efficiency and individual balance.

The objectives of the training

Understand the challenges of collective efficiency and the conditions for well-being at work.

Identify the keys to implementing a healthy, balanced work organization in a hybrid context.

Acquire the tools and best practices needed to improve communication and collaboration within your team.

The skills developed

How to combine performance and well-being to create a stimulating and harmonious work environment.

How to develop a management style based on trust, empowerment and commitment.

How to spread a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement.

A course with 6 fixed modules and 2 optional modules to suit your needs!

J - 7 :

How do you view the organization of your workgroup?

Half-day 1 :
Understanding - 3h30


Workshop - Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your work organization

Understand the factors of collective efficiency, review and share real-life situations to identify areas for improvement.


Plenary session - The keys to collective efficiency


Workshop - Taking into account and preserving the human factor in collective work

Use neuroscience to understand each individual's cognitive mechanisms and adjust group work practices.

Half-day 2 : 
Taking action - 3h30


Workshop - Getting out of meetings 

Rethink the collective week by finding alternatives to meetings and freeing up everyone's diaries.


Plenary session - The keys to a digital work environment for teamwork in a hybrid context 


Workshop - Making work organization work for your team 

Take stock of the best practices seen in the course and identify opportunities for implementation.

Half-day 3 :
Advanced - 3h30


Workshop - Discover Kanban in a pizzeria!

Learn the principles of Visual Management, one of the keys to effective, committed teams.


Workshop - Managing transition through continuous improvement

Demonstrate the benefits of Kaizen with In'Flow to successfully combine collective efficiency and individual well-being, and take action.


100% remote 

7 h spread over half-days or one day

2 ways to take the course:
- Complete in-company training
- Pick & choose" modular approach

The prerequisites

The Lecko Academy courses are accessible without pre-requisites. 

A preliminary questionnaire will simply allow us to check that your needs match the proposed course.

Target groups


Ambassadors / Digital Champions

Business Project Manager

Director, Team Leader

Animation modes

Participatory/involving facilitation methods

Fictitious scenarios & adaptation to your own context

Sharing experience

Alternating plenary sessions, sub-group workshops and individual work

Disabled people Our courses are accessible for most disabilities, but if you need compensation, please contact us at [email protected]


Intra session (8 trainees maximum)

They testify

Aurore Dhedin - Marketing Business Support (Roquette Group)

François Hicter - Health and Safety Manager (Roquette Group)

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