Do your teams need on-the-job training to become actors in their own transformation?

Training objectives "Impulse new practices in a context of digital transformation".

This training certification and modular is aimed at women and men in charge of driving change in their ecosystem: ambassadors, Digital Champions or project leaders.

Its mission provide essential, pragmatic keys to launching more collaborative initiatives and transforming work practices.

It helps you understand the challenges of change management within an internal digital transformation project, and toassimilate the keys to success to drive change locally.

Designed as a true interactive virtual classroomThis training program is punctuated by collective and small-group sequences, during which exchanges are at the heart of the learning process. Real-life situations enable participants to step out of their own context, gain perspective and then transpose solutions to their own environment.

With a wealth of 15 years of experienceyour employees will learn how to grasp the postures, skills and behaviors that promote change.

They will develop their their ability to ask themselves the right questions to implement new practices and unite around them, all in a format adapted to distance learning and in line with your company's needs.

We offer you adapted to your needs

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They have certified their teams via
the Lecko Academy

Senior IT Manager, Groupe SEB

"Dynamic training thanks to varied workshops "and the punch of the presenter 👍"

Catherine VERHILLE
Internal Communications Manager, Roquette Group

"This training course gives us a lot of tips for adapting in a very agile way to all the tools that are constantly evolving."

Group Internet and social networks manager, Mersen Group

"Very interesting content and a great promo to exchange and learn 👍😉"

Marketing Business Support, Roquette Group

"This training enabled me to become aware of the different steps to be implemented in order to accompany a team through a change".

And what about you? what are you waiting for?

Would you like to quickly launch a training program to drive change?
Would you like to reinforce your ambassador program?
Would you like to design a customized training program?

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